
najis amat...............


bukan tuch judul lagoenya mariah carey nyang baroe.....!!!

berikut klipnya diatas.....


lumayan juga...............

akhir2 ni koe suka dengerin lagunya collbie caillat "REALIZED"

asik bgt pokok'na asik bgt dh....

dijamin u will lost your stress......

nih lagoe lagoe rujukan yg bagoes2...........

@ LIl mama feat chris brown and t-pain "shawty get loose"

@ Ashlee Simpson "outta my head"

@ Leona Lewis "bleeding love"

so enjoy it..........

Just fine


just fine yup.....

itu lagu dari Mary J Blidge.....

asik buat loe2 dengerin......

karena liriknya bisa bikin kita lupakan semua stees,beban, semuanya deh....

bitnya juga asik.... bikin kita pingin joged......

so have fun......

i won't change my life, my life just fine.....

Mary J Blige Lyrics



finnaly bisa buka blog lagie...

sibuk kerja nih....!!!!

hiks... hiks......

kalau kalian ngeliat video di atas...

akoe dedikasikan buat semua temen dan pembaca blog koe.......

baru dapat tugas lagie nih...

susah bgt lagie...!!!

doain ya.......




dah lama ga ngisi blog....!!!!

dah tahun 2008 nih..........

ga kerasa bgt ya....

bye bye 2007....

wuih ternyata kerja ga enak juga ya....

serba salah mana lingkungannya kliatannya diatas akoe semua...!!!

sudnya umurnya jauh lebih tua....!!!

dah gitu kliatannya mereka dingin semua.........


serba salah.....

kerja ga enak....

ga kerja juga ga enak............

maunya kerja langsung jadi bos......


someone please help me......!!!!!

with u... with u.... with u........

nih ngisi blog sambil dengerin lagoe with u........

dah gitu mereka semua org jawa....

so ngomonongnya mereka pake bahasa jawa ya..... ga nerti lah.....!!!!


semua.... mohon doa dan dukungannya ya..........

Program C++

Program Permainan XOX

/////////////////////////////////// created by alfian ansyar //// class TI-3C //// NIM 06.01.029 //// //// With descrpsion ///////////////////////////////////
//Norts & Crosses
// Header Files#include // Used for 'cout' and 'cin' functions.
// Prototypes (each function must have a prototype)void DrawGameBoard(void); // Does not return any value (void); No Paramters (void)void ClearBoard(void); // Does not return any value (void); No Paramters (void)int GameOver(void); // Returns an Integer; No Paramters (void)int GetWinnerInfo(void); // Returns an Integer; No Paramters (void)
// Globals (variables outside the functions are available to all)char gameBoard[9]; // An array of the board in Memory (0 to 8)char gameOverBoard[9]; // An array of the temp board to draw line thru winner.char currentPlayer = 'O'; // Current Player, 'X' or 'O'.char winnerPlayer; // The winners piece, ('X' or 'O') or ' ' if no one won.
int main(){ int inputPos; // Integer variable used by 'cin' to store input of 'X' or 'O' position on the board
cout << "Norts And Crosses\n"; // Prints "Norts And Crosses" to the screen, '\n' prints a newline. // Calls the functions ClearBoard(); DrawGameBoard(); while(1) // 1 is TRUE, so this will loop forever or until 'break' is used. { cout << "\nEnter a number 0-8 or 10 to Exit\n"; cin >> inputPos; // Get input from user and store it in inputPos (an int variable) if ((inputPos >= 0) && (inputPos <= 8)) // If inputPos is between 0 and 8 then... { if (gameBoard[inputPos] == ' ') // If the position on the board is empty then... { gameBoard[inputPos] = currentPlayer; // Set the piece to the currentPlayer ('X' or 'O') at inputPos DrawGameBoard(); // Redraw the board // Swap X and O if (currentPlayer == 'O') currentPlayer = 'X'; else currentPlayer = 'O'; } if (GameOver() == 1) // If GameOver function returns 1 (TRUE) then break; // 'break' out of the loop. } else // else if inputPos = 10 then 'break' out of the loop. (quit game) if (inputPos == 10) break; } cout << "\n\nGAME OVER\n"; if (winnerPlayer != ' ') // If winnerPlayer does NOT = ' ' then... cout << "Player " << winnerPlayer << " Wins!\n\n"; else cout << "Nobody wins.\n\n";
return 0; // main() Should always return 0}
void DrawGameBoard(){ // ___ ___ ___ // // 0 1 2 // _________ // // 3 4 5 // _________ // // 6 7 8 // _________
cout << " ___ ___ ___\n"; cout << " \n"; cout << " " << gameBoard[0] <<" " << gameBoard[1] << " " << gameBoard[2] << " \n"; cout << "_________\n"; cout << " \n"; cout << " " << gameBoard[3] <<" " << gameBoard[4] << " " << gameBoard[5] << " \n"; cout << "_________\n"; cout << " \n"; cout << " " << gameBoard[6] <<" " << gameBoard[7] << " " << gameBoard[8] << " \n"; cout << "_________\n";}
void ClearBoard(){ for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { gameBoard[i] = ' '; }}
int GameOver(){ int tmpGameOver; int tmp = 1;
// Check if board is full for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { if (gameBoard[i] == ' ') tmp = 0; }
tmpGameOver = GetWinnerInfo(); if ((tmp == 0) && (tmpGameOver == 1)) tmp = 1;
if (tmp == 1) { cout << " ___ ___ ___\n"; cout << " \n"; cout << " " << gameOverBoard[0] <<" " << gameOverBoard[1] << " " << gameOverBoard[2] << " \n"; cout << "_________\n"; cout << " \n"; cout << " " << gameOverBoard[3] <<" " << gameOverBoard[4] << " " << gameOverBoard[5] << " \n"; cout << "_________\n"; cout << " \n"; cout << " " << gameOverBoard[6] <<" " << gameOverBoard[7] << " " << gameOverBoard[8] << " \n"; cout << "_________\n"; }
return tmp;}
// Return 0 if no one has wonint GetWinnerInfo(){ char tmpPlayer = 'O'; int i = 0;
winnerPlayer = ' ';
// reset borad2 for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) { gameOverBoard[i] = gameBoard[i]; }
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (winnerPlayer != ' ') break; if (i == 1) tmpPlayer = 'X'; if ((gameBoard[0] == tmpPlayer) && (gameBoard[1] == tmpPlayer) && (gameBoard[2] == tmpPlayer)) { gameOverBoard[0] = '-'; gameOverBoard[1] = '-'; gameOverBoard[2] = '-'; winnerPlayer = tmpPlayer; } else{if ((gameBoard[3] == tmpPlayer) && (gameBoard[4] == tmpPlayer) && (gameBoard[5] == tmpPlayer)) { gameOverBoard[3] = '-'; gameOverBoard[4] = '-'; gameOverBoard[5] = '-'; winnerPlayer = tmpPlayer; } else{if ((gameBoard[6] == tmpPlayer) && (gameBoard[7] == tmpPlayer) && (gameBoard[8] == tmpPlayer)) { gameOverBoard[6] = '-'; gameOverBoard[7] = '-'; gameOverBoard[8] = '-'; winnerPlayer = tmpPlayer; } else{if ((gameBoard[0] == tmpPlayer) && (gameBoard[3] == tmpPlayer) && (gameBoard[6] == tmpPlayer)) { gameOverBoard[0] = ''; gameOverBoard[3] = ''; gameOverBoard[6] = ''; winnerPlayer = tmpPlayer; } else{if ((gameBoard[1] == tmpPlayer) && (gameBoard[4] == tmpPlayer) && (gameBoard[7] == tmpPlayer)) { gameOverBoard[1] = ''; gameOverBoard[4] = ''; gameOverBoard[7] = ''; winnerPlayer = tmpPlayer; } else{if ((gameBoard[2] == tmpPlayer) && (gameBoard[5] == tmpPlayer) && (gameBoard[8] == tmpPlayer)) { gameOverBoard[2] = ''; gameOverBoard[5] = ''; gameOverBoard[8] = ''; winnerPlayer = tmpPlayer; } else{if ((gameBoard[0] == tmpPlayer) && (gameBoard[4] == tmpPlayer) && (gameBoard[8] == tmpPlayer)) { gameOverBoard[0] = '\\'; gameOverBoard[4] = '\\'; gameOverBoard[8] = '\\'; winnerPlayer = tmpPlayer; } else{if ((gameBoard[6] == tmpPlayer) && (gameBoard[4] == tmpPlayer) && (gameBoard[2] == tmpPlayer)) { gameOverBoard[6] = '/'; gameOverBoard[4] = '/'; gameOverBoard[2] = '/'; winnerPlayer = tmpPlayer; } } } } } } } } }
if (winnerPlayer == ' ') return 0; else return 1;}

Program Kalender

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// By Alfian ANsyar// STIMIK Balikpapan///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#include // Will set values for statements.int isleapyear(int x);void printWeekHeader();void printMonthHeader();void printdays(int m);int daystart; //globalint year; //globalvoid main(){ printf("Pilih tahun yang anda Inginkan?:");//Asks the user to input info. scanf("%d",&year);//Receives input. printf("\n\nMinggu =0\n"); printf("Senin =1\n"); printf("Selasa =2\n"); printf("Rabu =3\n"); printf("Kamis =4\n"); printf("Jum'at =5\n"); printf("Sabtu =6"); printf("\n\n hari pertama di bulan January?:"); scanf("%d",&daystart); getchar(); printMonthHeader();//Recalls the value for printMonthHeader. getchar();}
void printWeekHeader()//Assigns value to the statement printWeekHeader.{ printf("Mg Sn Sl Rb Km Jm Sa\n");//Print out letters.}
int isleapyear (int x)//Function evaluates if leap year or not.{
if (year==0)//Evaluates if the number given is equal to zero it will return { //a value of zero. Else the program will continue. return 0; } else { if (year%100!=0 && year%4==0)//Determines that if a year is divisible by { //400 it will return a value of 1. return 1; } else if (year%400==0)// If false it will return a value of 1. { return 1; } else//A value of zero is returned if we get this far. { return 0; }
void printdays(int m)//Assigns value to the statement printdays.{ int count=0, looplimit,i;//Declares and initializes variables. int x; int s[12]={31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
if (m==1)//Sets a condition. If true it executes. { x=isleapyear(year); looplimit=s[m]+x;//Assings s[m]=x to looplimit. }
else//If the if statement is false this will be executed. { looplimit=s[m];//Assings s[m] to looplimit. }
for (i=0;i for (i=1;i<=looplimit;i++)//Condition will contunue to loop unill false. { printf("%2d ",i);//The results are printed two spaces reserved. count ++; if ( count==7)//If statement true 0 is assigned to count. { printf("\n"); count=0; } } daystart=count;//Daystart is set equal to count. printf("\n");}
void printMonthHeader()//Assigns value to the statement printMonthHeader.
printf("Januari\n");//Prints out statement. printWeekHeader();//Recalls value for printWeekHeader. printdays(0);//Recalls value for printdays. //Assigns the first value in the string to January etc. printf("\n"); getchar();//Program pauses after every month. printf("Februari\n"); printWeekHeader(); printdays(1); printf("\n"); getchar(); printf("Maret\n"); printWeekHeader(); printdays(2); printf("\n"); getchar(); printf("April\n"); printWeekHeader(); printdays(3); printf("\n"); getchar(); printf("Mei\n"); printWeekHeader(); printdays(4); printf("\n"); getchar(); printf("Juni\n"); printWeekHeader(); printdays(5); printf("\n"); getchar(); printf("Juli\n"); printWeekHeader(); printdays(6); printf("\n"); getchar(); printf("Agustus\n"); printWeekHeader(); printdays(7); printf("\n"); getchar(); printf("September\n"); printWeekHeader(); printdays(8); printf("\n"); getchar(); printf("Oktober\n"); printWeekHeader(); printdays(9); printf("\n"); getchar(); printf("November\n"); printWeekHeader(); printdays(10); printf("\n"); getchar(); printf("Desember\n"); printWeekHeader(); printdays(11); printf("\n");}//End.

semoga Program diatas bermanfaat.........

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